Sunday, 17 June 2012

A week's a long time in politics!

End of week one!  What a hectic but satisfying week it has been.  I've certainly hit the ground running and already met lots of people in a variety of places.  I spent Friday night in Corbridge at the Tynedale Real Ale festival and Stocksfield on Saturday with the Heddon Brownies watching the Olympic torch come through the village.  People seem really pleased that I'm standing for election as Police and Crime Commissioner.  The consensus from people I spoke to seemed to be that if we are going to have PCC's then they need to be people the public can trust.  I was told numerous times that the MP expenses saga really eroded people's confidence in politics.  They were reassured to know that if elected, I aim to root out corruption at all levels insisting on the highest standards for all public officials.  I'm also indebted to @ITspencer on Twitter for setting up a hash tag encouraging people to vote for me.  As it was unsolicited I'm very grateful and will watch it's progress with great interest.  This week I'll be heading back into Newcastle, attending an EU IT summit in Belfast,  then returning later in the week to meet people in Sunderland a place I spent a lot of time in when I was in the police.  Finally if you are a Dad, have a Dad or miss your Dad then I hope you have had a lovely day.  Being a father is a difficult job but one which is so important and carries an enormous responsibility.  The impression we make on our children stays with them for life.

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